
Carex is a group of Sedges that are grown for decoration. Sedges can grow in sun or partial shade. Many grow naturally in water, though most will grow well in moist, well-drained, somewhat fertile soil. These perennials are found in tropical and temperate countries. C. hachijoensis var. Evergold forms thick tufts of grass-like, dark green leaves that are striped with yellow. The tiny, dark brown flowers are produced in small clusters terminating sturdy stems, in mid- to late spring. This plant grows up to a foot high and spreads 14 inches. C. pendula, the Nodding Sedge, forms compact tufts of slender and stiff leaves that are glossy yellow-green above and blue-green beneath. In the summer, tiny, brown flowers are borne in drooping spikes at the ends of long stems. This Sedge grows up to 3 feet high with a spread of 1 foot. C. elata var. Aurea, Bowles' Golden Sedge, is a pretty plant consisting of linear, golden yellow leaves and small clusters of minute dark brown flowers in the spring and early summer. This plant grows up to 16 inches high and spreads 6 to 8 inches.

Pot Cultivation

Sedges can grow in full sun or partial shade and moist, well-drained, fertile soil. C. elata var. Aurea prefers very moist soil and is useful for poolside planting or in other damp ground.


They may be divided in the spring or seeds may be sown in the fall.

C. pendula
C. Fraseri


  • C. pendula;
  • C. elata 'Aurea';
  • C. hachijoensis 'Evergold';
  • C. Fraseri;
  • C. Morrowii;
  • C. comans;
  • C. Buchananii. 

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